Auxilliary Tutorial 6: Introduction to SymPy

This tutorial was prepared by Manuel Razo-Mejia and was generated from an Jupyter notebook. You can download the notebook here.

In [1]:
import warnings

# Our numerical workhorses
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

#Differential equation numerical solver
from scipy.integrate import odeint

# Import pyplot for plotting
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d

# Seaborn, useful for graphics
import seaborn as sns

# To compute symbolic expressions
import sympy

# print outputs in LaTeX

# Interactive manipulations in the notebook
# from ipywidgets import StaticInteract, RangeWidget, RadioWidget
from ipywidgets import interact

# Magic function to make matplotlib inline; other style specs must come AFTER
%matplotlib inline

# This enables SVG graphics inline.  There is a bug, so uncomment if it works.
%config InlineBackend.figure_formats = {'png', 'retina'}

# JB's favorite Seaborn settings for notebooks
rc = {'lines.linewidth': 2, 
      'axes.labelsize': 18, 
      'axes.titlesize': 18, 
      'axes.facecolor': 'DFDFE5'}
sns.set_context('notebook', rc=rc)
sns.set_style('darkgrid', rc=rc)

# Suppress future warnings
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)

Symbolic computing with Python.

In this short tutorial we will learn how to use the super-powerful library SymPy. This will give you another tool for your fancy pocket-knife called Python and you'll be equipped to do a lot of stuff by your own.

To motivate the tutorial we will solve one of the classic models in biology: The Lotka-Volterra or Predator-Prey* equations.

Lotka-Volterra equations

Listed as one of the 10 equations that changed biology, the Lotka-Volterra equations are a system of differential equations that describe the dynamics of a pair of species that interact, one as a predator and the other as a prey.

The coupled first-order non-linear differential equations are given by

\begin{align} \frac{dN_1}{dt} &= r_1 N_1 \left( \frac{K_1 - N_1 - \alpha N_2}{K_1} \right),\\[1em] \frac{dN_2}{dt} &= r_2 N_2 \left( \frac{K_2 - N_2 - \beta N_1}{K_2} \right), \end{align}


  • $N_i$ = population size of species $i$
  • $t$ = time
  • $r_i$ = species $i$ growth rate
  • $K_i$ = environment carrying capacity
  • $\alpha, \; \beta$ = inter-species interaction parameters.

If species 2 is the predator and species 1 is the prey, then $\alpha$ must be positive (since the predator eats the prey reducing its population) and $\beta$ must be negative since the predator needs the prey to get food.

Using SymPy for Lotka-Volterra

To start working with sympy the first thing we have to do is to define the variables that we will use for our symbolic calculations. This might be a little annoying compare to what we are used to, but you have to remember that Python doesn't know if when you write alpha you are talking about a symbolic variable or a regular variable that you want to assign a new value.

So let us define our variables:

In [2]:
# We split it into two definitions to remind us that
# a set of variables is for species 1 and the other one for species 2

# Species 1
r1, K1, N1, alpha = sympy.symbols('r_1 K_1 N_1 alpha')

# Species 2
r2, K2, N2, beta = sympy.symbols('r_2 K_2 N_2 beta')

We can now define the differential equations in sympy

In [3]:
dN1_dt = r1 * N1 * (K1 - N1 - alpha * N2) / K1
dN2_dt = r2 * N2 * (K2 - N2 - beta * N1) / K2

And in the IPython notebook we can nicely display it as $\LaTeX$.

In [4]:
dN1_dt, dN2_dt
$$\left ( \frac{N_{1} r_{1}}{K_{1}} \left(K_{1} - N_{1} - N_{2} \alpha\right), \quad \frac{N_{2} r_{2}}{K_{2}} \left(K_{2} - N_{1} \beta - N_{2}\right)\right )$$

Usually one of the first things we do when analyzing a dynamical system is to find the steady state, i.e. finding when the derivative with respect to time equals to zero.

This, as you must have guessed, is super simple to do with sympy. We just have to define the equality using the sympy.Eq class.

In [5]:
ss_N1 = sympy.Eq(dN1_dt, 0)
ss_N2 = sympy.Eq(dN2_dt, 0)
ss_N1, ss_N2
$$\left ( \frac{N_{1} r_{1}}{K_{1}} \left(K_{1} - N_{1} - N_{2} \alpha\right) = 0, \quad \frac{N_{2} r_{2}}{K_{2}} \left(K_{2} - N_{1} \beta - N_{2}\right) = 0\right )$$

And now we just tell sympy to solve for the species population!

In [6]:
ss_N1_sol = sympy.solve(ss_N1, N1)
ss_N2_sol = sympy.solve(ss_N2, N2)

print('The steady state solution for both species are:')
ss_N1_sol, ss_N2_sol
The steady state solution for both species are:
$$\left ( \left [ 0, \quad K_{1} - N_{2} \alpha\right ], \quad \left [ 0, \quad K_{2} - N_{1} \beta\right ]\right )$$

So we find that there are two steady state solutions:

  1. The trivial solutions in which both species are extinct to begin with, so $N_1 = N_2 = 0$
  2. A solution in which both species maintain their non-zero populations.

Let's now be super lazy and assume we don't want to do the "trivial" algebra to find the exact solution for $N_1$ and $N_2$. We can use sympy's solve function to solve simultaneously for both species. The solution is returned as a dictionary where each key is the name of the respective variable.

In [7]:
ss_dict = sympy.solve((sympy.Eq(N1, ss_N1_sol[1]), sympy.Eq(N2, ss_N2_sol[1])),
                      (N1, N2))
$$\left \{ N_{1} : \frac{- K_{1} + K_{2} \alpha}{\alpha \beta - 1}, \quad N_{2} : \frac{K_{1} \beta - K_{2}}{\alpha \beta - 1}\right \}$$

We can use scipy's numerical solver to run a simulation for this system of equations.

In order to avoid rewriting the function I'll take the change to introduce the super powerful function lambdify. lambdify takes a sympy symbolic expression and returns a function that can be either numerically or symbolically evaluated with other values. This would allow us to evaluate and plot any nasty function that comes out of sympy's powerful symbolic toolkit.

In [8]:
# Generate 'lambdify' functions to numerically evaluate the diff. equations
dN1_dt_num = sympy.utilities.lambdify([N1, N2, r1, K1, alpha], dN1_dt)
dN2_dt_num = sympy.utilities.lambdify([N2, N1, r2, K2, beta], dN2_dt)

def lotka_voltera_rhs(n1_n2, t, *p):
    Set up the right hand side (rhs) function for the system 
    (necessary step to feed sympy's odeint function).
    # unpack the variables
    n1, n2 = n1_n2
    # unpack the parameters
    r_1, k1, a, r_2, k2, b = p
    # Define derivatices rom lambdified functions
    n1dot = dN1_dt_num(n1, n2, r_1, k1, a)
    n2dot = dN2_dt_num(n2, n1, r_2, k2, b)

    return np.array([n1dot, n2dot])

Now let's define the parameters and numerically solve the system

In [14]:
# let's set the parameter values.
r_1, r_2 = [0.5, 0.2]
k1, k2 = [100, 50]
a, b = [1.2, 0.2]
args = (r_1, k1, a, r_2, k2, b)

# Initial population size
n1_n2_0 = [2, 2]

# Time points we want to consider
t = np.linspace(0, 100, 1000)

# Now let's use odeint to solve the function
n1_n2 = odeint(lotka_voltera_rhs, n1n2_0, t, args=args)

We will now plot the solution.

But let's include the steady state solutions we previously found to see if indeed the populations are converging over time to this steady state. For this we will simply use the subs function to replace the values that we chose for the parameters.

In [15]:
for i, N in enumerate([N1, N2]):
    plt.plot(t, n1_n2[:, i], label=r'${0:s}$'.format(sympy.latex(N)))
    plt.axhline(y=ss_dict[N].subs({K1: k1, K2: k2, alpha: a, beta: b}),
                linestyle='--', color=sns.color_palette()[i],
                label=r'${0:s}$ steady state'.format(sympy.latex(N)))

plt.legend(loc=0, fontsize=15)
plt.xlabel('time (units consistent with $r_1$ and $r_2$)')
plt.ylabel('Population size')
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x1154179e8>

Probability distribution for catastrophe times

For this week's homework you are ask to derive the probability distribution for the catatrophy times of microtubules under the assumption that it is a multistep process with different rates $\tau_i$.

The final distribution has the form \begin{align} P(t\mid \boldsymbol{\tau}, m, I) = \sum{j=1}^m \frac{\tau_j^{m-2}\,\mathrm{e}^{-t/\tau_j}}{\prod{k=1,k\ne j}^m (\tau_j - \tau_k)}. \end{align}

Let's say that we wanted to evaluate this function for a specific number of processes $m$. By the time you get to 4 processes you would be very tired of writing down the complete equation, not to say the pain that it would be to code it in Python!

Then, why don't we try to define this function in sympy and then use the power of lambdify to evaluate numerically the functions!

In [32]:
# define the variable for the time and the number of processes]
# We will also include the j and k from the product
t= sympy.symbols('t')
def p_catastrophe(m=3):
    p = list() # initialize list to keep sum terms
    for tau in taus:
        numerator = tau**(m - 2) * sympy.exp(- t / tau)
        denominator = list() # initialize list to keep denominator terms
        for tau_2 in taus:
            if tau_2 != tau:
                denominator.append(tau - tau_2)
        p.append(numerator /
    return np.sum(p)

Let's look at some examples to see if it actually returns what we wanted

In [33]:
$$\frac{\tau_{1} e^{- \frac{t}{\tau_{1}}}}{\left(\tau_{1} - \tau_{2}\right) \left(\tau_{1} - \tau_{3}\right)} + \frac{\tau_{2} e^{- \frac{t}{\tau_{2}}}}{\left(- \tau_{1} + \tau_{2}\right) \left(\tau_{2} - \tau_{3}\right)} + \frac{\tau_{3} e^{- \frac{t}{\tau_{3}}}}{\left(- \tau_{1} + \tau_{3}\right) \left(- \tau_{2} + \tau_{3}\right)}$$

Now lets look at an example we would never like to code by hand!

In [34]:
$$\frac{\tau_{1}^{4} e^{- \frac{t}{\tau_{1}}}}{\left(\tau_{1} - \tau_{2}\right) \left(\tau_{1} - \tau_{3}\right) \left(\tau_{1} - \tau_{4}\right) \left(\tau_{1} - \tau_{5}\right) \left(\tau_{1} - \tau_{6}\right)} + \frac{\tau_{2}^{4} e^{- \frac{t}{\tau_{2}}}}{\left(- \tau_{1} + \tau_{2}\right) \left(\tau_{2} - \tau_{3}\right) \left(\tau_{2} - \tau_{4}\right) \left(\tau_{2} - \tau_{5}\right) \left(\tau_{2} - \tau_{6}\right)} + \frac{\tau_{3}^{4} e^{- \frac{t}{\tau_{3}}}}{\left(- \tau_{1} + \tau_{3}\right) \left(- \tau_{2} + \tau_{3}\right) \left(\tau_{3} - \tau_{4}\right) \left(\tau_{3} - \tau_{5}\right) \left(\tau_{3} - \tau_{6}\right)} + \frac{\tau_{4}^{4} e^{- \frac{t}{\tau_{4}}}}{\left(- \tau_{1} + \tau_{4}\right) \left(- \tau_{2} + \tau_{4}\right) \left(- \tau_{3} + \tau_{4}\right) \left(\tau_{4} - \tau_{5}\right) \left(\tau_{4} - \tau_{6}\right)} + \frac{\tau_{5}^{4} e^{- \frac{t}{\tau_{5}}}}{\left(- \tau_{1} + \tau_{5}\right) \left(- \tau_{2} + \tau_{5}\right) \left(- \tau_{3} + \tau_{5}\right) \left(- \tau_{4} + \tau_{5}\right) \left(\tau_{5} - \tau_{6}\right)} + \frac{\tau_{6}^{4} e^{- \frac{t}{\tau_{6}}}}{\left(- \tau_{1} + \tau_{6}\right) \left(- \tau_{2} + \tau_{6}\right) \left(- \tau_{3} + \tau_{6}\right) \left(- \tau_{4} + \tau_{6}\right) \left(- \tau_{5} + \tau_{6}\right)}$$

I don't know about you guys, but I would never like to write manually this on a function in order to evaluate it. That's why we'll make use of the power of lambdify!

In [35]:
def p_catastrophe_num(n, rates):
    Returns a lambdify function to evaluate numerically the probability of
    microtubule catastrophe as a function of the total time t.
    n: int. number of processes involved in the microtubule catastrophe
    rates: array-like. numerical values of the processes rates. 
    warning: len(rates) must be equal to m!
    if len(rates) != n:
        raise ValueError('len(rates) must be equal to m!')
    # Generate dictionary to feed to subs function
    subs_dict = {key: value for (key, value) in\
                 zip(sympy.symbols('tau:%d'%(n+1))[1:], rates)}
    p = sympy.lambdify([t], p_catastrophe(n).subs(subs_dict), 'numpy')
    return p

Let's plot now the probability of microtubule catastrophe for some examples with different number of processes!

In [36]:
# Define the range of time to evaluate the function
time = np.linspace(0, 20, 1000)

# Define a random set of rates just to test the function
rates = np.random.rand(8) + 1

# List with the number of processes we want to plot
n_events = [1, 2, 4, 8]

# Loop through these events evaluating the function and ploting the resulting 
# probability distribution
for n in n_events:
    # Generate and evaluate function in a single line!
    prob = p_catastrophe_num(n, rates[0:n])(time)
    # Plot the distribution
    plt.plot(time, prob, label=r'$%d$'%n)
plt.legend(loc=0, fontsize=15, title='$m$')
plt.ylim(0, 1)
plt.xlim(0, max(time))
plt.ylabel(r'$P(t\mid \mathbf{\tau}, m, I)$')
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