.. _Resources: Software -------- - `Stan `_ is our main engine for Bayesian inference. You will refer to its `documentation `_ many times throughout the term. - `CmdStanPy `_ if our primary interface to Stan. - `ArviZ `_ provides valuable tools for parsing Stan results. - `The Distribution Explorer `_ provides quick references for various distributions and the syntax for using them in Python and Stan. - `The bebi103 package `_ provides utility functions for MCMC-based inference and other useful functionality for the class. Reading/tutorials ----------------- - `Michael Betancourt's writings `_ contain some of the best explanations and case studies about Bayesian inference, especially with Stan, you can find anywhere. - `Bayesian Data Analysis, 3rd Ed. `_ by Gelman, et al., is for many researchers the primary reference for Bayesian inference. The authors have made it freely available at `this link `_. - `Stan tutorials YouTube channel `_ has a great series of videos. - `Statistical Rethinking, 2nd Ed. `_ by Richard McElreath is a good pedagogical book about Bayesian inference. - `A Student's Guide to Bayesian Statistics `_ by Ben Lambert is another good reference, especially for beginners.