
Imagine for a moment that we devised a transition kernel that satisfies the desired properties we have laid out. Say we start a walker at position \(\theta_0\) in parameter space and it starts walking according to the transition kernel. Most likely, for those first few steps, the walker is traversing a part of parameter space that has incredibly low probability. Once it gets to regions of high probability, the walker will almost never return to the region of parameter space in which it began. So, unless we sample for an incredibly long time, those first few samples visited are over-weighted. So, we need to let the walker walk for a while without keeping track of the samples so that it can arrive at the limiting distribution. This is called warm-up, otherwise known as burn-in or tuning [1].

There is no general way to tell if a walker has reached the limiting distribution, so we do not know how many warm-up steps are necessary. Fortunately, there are several heuristics. For example, Gelman and coauthors proposed generating several warm-up chains and computing the Gelman-Rubin \(\hat{R}\) statistic,

\[\begin{aligned} \hat{R} = \frac{\text{variance between the chains}}{\text{mean variance within the chains}}.\end{aligned}\]

Limiting chains have \(\hat{R} \approx 1\), and this is commonly used as a metric for having achieved stationarity. Gelman and his coauthors in their famous book Bayesian Data Analysis suggest that \(|1 - \hat{R}| < 0.1\) as a good rule of thumb for stationary chains.

This simple metric, though widely used, has flaws. We will not go into them in great detail here, but will defer discussion of MCMC diagnostics to a later lecture. You can read more about ensuring chains reach stationarity in this paper by Vehtari and coworkers (2020). We will use the methods outlined in that paper, along with their more stringent suggestion that \(|1 - \hat{R}| < 0.01\).