When doing Bayesian analysis, our goal is very often to understand a posterior distribution, \(g(\theta \mid y)\), where \(\theta = \{\theta^{(1)}, \theta^{(2)},\ldots\}\) is a set of possibly many parameters and \(y\) is the data set. [1] However, just having an analytical expression for the posterior is of little use if we cannot understand any properties about it. Importantly, we often want to marginalize the posterior; that is, we want to integrate over parameters we are not immediately interested in and get distributions only for those we are. This is often necessary to understand all but the simplest models. Doing these marginalizations requires computing (nasty) integrals, which is often impossible to do analytically.

Furthermore, we almost always want to compute statistical functionals, and expectations in particular, of the posterior. For example, we might want the mean, or expectation value, of parameter \(\theta^{(1)}\). If we know the posterior, this is

\[\begin{aligned} \langle \theta^{(1)}\rangle = \int \mathrm{d}\theta \,\theta^{(1)}\,g(\theta\mid y). \end{aligned}\]

Generally, we can compute the expectation of any function of the parameters, \(h(\theta)\), and we often want to. This is

\[\begin{aligned} \langle h(\theta)\rangle = \int \mathrm{d}\theta \,h(\theta)\,g(\theta\mid y). \end{aligned}\]

So, most things we want to know about the posterior require computation of an integral.

Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) allows us to sample out of an arbitrary probability distribution, which includes pretty much any posterior we could write down. [2] By sampling, I mean that we can choose values of the parameters, \(\theta\), where the probability that we choose a given value is proportional to the posterior probability or probability density. Note that each sample consists of a complete set of parameters \(\theta\); that is a sample contains a value for \(\theta^{(1)}\), a value for \(\theta^{(2)}\), ….

Using MCMC, we can collect a large number of these samples. From these samples, we can trivially perform marginalizations. Say we are interested in the marginalized distribution

\[\begin{aligned} g(\theta^{(1)}\mid y) = \left[\int\mathrm{d}\theta^{(2)} \, \int \mathrm{d}\theta^{(3)}\cdots \right] g(\theta\mid y). \end{aligned}\]

Given a set of MCMC samples out of \(g(\theta\mid y)\), to get a set of samples out of \(g(\theta^{(1)}\mid y)\), we simply ignore the values of \(\theta^{(2)}\), \(\theta^{(3)}\), …! Then, given the samples of the marginalized posterior, we can plot the CDF of the marginalized posterior as an ECDF of the samples, and the PDF of the marginalized posterior as a histogram of the samples.

To compute other expectations, the MCMC samples are again very convenient. Now, we just approximate the integral with an average over samples.

\[\begin{aligned} \langle h(\theta)\rangle = \int \mathrm{d}\theta \,h(\theta)\,g(\theta\mid y) \approx \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N h(\theta_i), \end{aligned}\]

where \(\theta_i\) is the \(i\)th of \(N\) MCMC samples taken from the posterior.

Finally, we can compute other statistical functionals, such as quantiles, directly from the samples. For example, the median of \(\theta^{(1)}\) is found by computing the median value of all of the samples of \(\theta^{(1)}\).

It is now abundantly clear why the ability to generate samples from the posterior is so powerful. But generating samples that actually come from the probability distribution of interest is not a trivial matter. We will discuss how this is accomplished through MCMC.